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Published October 25, 2022

Facebook Business Manager: what is it and how to use it?

Learn what Facebook Business Manager is, how to set it up and run ads, manage multiple Facebook Pages or Instagram accounts, and more.

If you’re someone that runs Facebook Ads, manages multiple Facebook Pages, or multiple Instagram accounts, you need to be familiar with the Facebook Business Manager.

In this article, we’ll explain what Facebook Business Manager is, how to set it up, how to add new Pages, and more. Let’s jump in.

What is Facebook Business Manager?

The Facebook Business Manager account is essentially the control center for all your activities on Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram.

From this control center, you can manage business tools and access to these assets. It includes the management of your different Facebook Pages, Instagram accounts, ad accounts, and product catalogs.

You can use Business Manager from both mobile and desktop. It makes it easy to:

  • View notifications;

  • Respond to messages;

  • Schedule posts, stories, and ads;

  • Monitor all activity at a glance;

  • Manage employee and 3rd party access;

  • Access other Facebook tools such as Ads Manager, Commerce Manager, Business Settings, and more.

The Business Manager on Facebook is a must-have, especially if you’re juggling many accounts at a time. Not only that, but certain features aren’t available without it. Some examples include responding to comments on your ads and using Customer Lists.

Now that you know what the Facebook Business Manager is, keep reading to find out how to set it up.

How to set up Facebook Business Manager

First, you’ll need to have a Facebook Page for your business. If you don’t have one, you can create one here.

You have the choice to access Business Manager on your phone or your computer. If you prefer using your phone, you can download the Facebook Business Manager app on Android or on iOS. If you prefer doing it on your computer, follow this link:

Now, click on ‘Create an Account’ and follow the prompts. You’ll be asked to log into your Facebook account and provide information like your name, company name, business email address, and website.

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Once you create your Facebook Business Manager, you can connect your Facebook Page and other assets to it.

How to Add Facebook Business Pages

First, go to Business settings.

On the business settings page, you’ll see a menu section called ‘Accounts on the left-hand side.’ Next, click on ‘Pages.’ You can add an existing Page, request access to a Page, or create one from scratch:


The process for adding Ad Accounts, Instagram accounts, and other assets is the same. We recommend that, at this stage, you connect them all to your Facebook Business Manager. You can then easily manage all your marketing activities from one place.

How to add someone to Facebook Business Manager

If you have employees or 3rd party contractors working on your accounts, you’ll need to give them access.

We recommend that you only give them as much access as is necessary. So if someone is only managing your Facebook Ads, for example, they don’t need full admin access. This way, there’s less of a chance that your account is put in jeopardy by either a mistake or bad actors.

Here’s how to add someone to Facebook Business Manager:

  1. Go to Business settings.

  2. In the Users section, click ‘People.’

  3. Click ‘Add.’


  1. Enter their email address:


  1. Choose what kind of access you’d like to give them.

  1. Click ‘Next.’

  1. Choose what assets they get access to and what tasks they can do:


  1. Click ‘Invite.’

Congrats, you’re done. The person you’ve invited will now get an email with your invite. They will now be able to work on the assets you’ve given them access to.

How do I find my Business Manager on Facebook?

If you’re not sure whether you already have a Business Manager account, there’s a simple way to check.

Go to and click on ‘Log in.’ Then, try to log in with either your Facebook account or your Instagram account:


If you already have your Business Manager, you’ll be able to log in and see it. If not, you can follow the steps outlined earlier in this article to create it.

Is Business Manager free on Facebook?

Yes, Business Manager is completely free. Facebook created this tool to make it easier for you to manage all your accounts and assets. The only time that Facebook is not free is when you’re running Facebook advertisements. In that case, you will pay based on your usage.

Facebook Business Manager tips

Here’re a few tips and best practices that we’ve learned over the years and from other experts:

  • Set up two-factor authentication. Your accounts are vital for your business. Make sure that they’re as safe as possible. Especially considering that your credit card is connected to your account if you’re running ads.

  • Revoke access as soon as it’s no longer necessary. If an employee leaves your company or a freelancer reaches the end of their contract, make sure to revoke their access from your accounts. 99% of the time, you’d be fine even if you didn’t, but you don’t allow anyone to cause any damage.

  • Start collecting data early. If you’re just now setting up your accounts, one of the first things you might want to do is install a Facebook Pixel on your website. The Facebook Pixel essentially collects information about your website visitors. When you’re ready to advertise, you can use that information for either retargeting ads or for lookalike audiences.

  • Be cautious of who you add to your Business Manager. If you get a request to manage your Facebook accounts, be sure that the request comes from the person you think it is from. If you don’t recognize the person, simply decline the request.

Improve your Facebook experience

Now that you’re all set up and ready to go, we suggest you use a chatbot platform such as Chatfuel to get the most out of Facebook and Instagram.

Chatfuel is the largest no-code chatbot platform in the world. Over 7 million customers use our software. This includes small local businesses as well as large billion-dollar companies. We’re proud to work with brands like Adidas, Netflix, Nissan, Visa, and many more.

At this point, you may wonder how exactly Chatfuel can benefit you.

Well, your chatbots are completely customizable to your needs, but here’re some ideas on what you can do using chatbots:

  • Answer FAQs;

  • Recommend products;

  • Answer product questions;

  • Direct customers to your closest location;

  • Cross-sell and up-sell products;

  • Collect feedback;

  • Generate leads and more.

When it comes specifically to Facebook, you can also read our article on all the Chatfuel features for Facebook.

In a nutshell, with a chatbot, you get to automate certain parts of your business. Not only do you save hours of labor and become more efficient, but you also generate more revenue for your business.

Try Chatfuel today with a free trial. The first 50 conversations are on us.