Discover Beauty Player's journey that brought it to impressive metrics: automated customer support, reduced cost per conversation by more than half, increased sales by 40%, and achieved 10x return on ad spend.
Beauty startup builds customer support, cuts CPC by 50%, gets +40% sales, and 10x ROAS with a Messenger bot
Success story
monthly sales
cost per conversion (CPA)
return on ad spend (ROAS)
average order value (AOV)
after launching Chatfuel automation
Beauty Player was overwhelmed with customer messages and struggled to answer questions and fulfill orders on time.

As a result, the team became overworked, and the company lost out on the opportunity to serve even more customers because they didn’t have enough resources.

In addition, the cost per conversation was growing since the team had to process all messages manually.
Messenger chatbot handles FAQs and increases sales
Beauty Player is a cosmetic startup that offers facial masks for all skin types. The masks refresh, cleanse, and firm the skin, helping customers enhance their natural beauty and confidence.
Challenge: the overworked team struggles to fulfill orders in time and loses customers
Beauty Player needed an affordable solution for automating answering FAQs to increase customer loyalty and sales. To achieve these goals, they enlisted the help of GoSky AI, a chatbot marketing agency.

The agency built a Messenger bot using Chatfuel to primarily automate FAQs about shipping, discounts, and affiliate opportunities. This allowed Beauty Player to focus on other tasks that require human attention.

The Beauty Player chatbot also serves to increase brand awareness and sales through interactive education and product recommendations. It starts by asking users about their skin type. Based on their response, it shares relevant skincare tips and suggests a suitable facial mask from their product line along with a coupon code.
Goal: automate FAQs and increase customer loyalty and sales
Using the Chatfuel tools, GoSky AI revolutionized Beauty Player’s business. Automation helped them grow brand awareness and revenue and reduce costs. As a result, the team now enjoys less stressful and more streamlined operations.

After launching their bot, Beauty Player got impressive results:
  • Automation controls the orders and related messages, increasing monthly sales by 40% ($250,000.)
  • With click-to-Messenger ad campaigns, the Beauty Player team reduced cost per conversion (CPA) by more than 50%, from $8.30 to $4.06.
  • Using multiple marketing automation tools boosted return on ad spend (ROAS) by 10x.
  • Brand awareness and educational content in automation added 10% to the average order value (AOV.)
Results: +40% monthly sales,
50% less CPC, 10x ROAS, and 10% AOV
User attributes
The Beauty Player chatbot greets users by their first name and asks about their skin type with quick reply buttons for dry, oily, sensitive, etc. Then, it saves user choices for later use in retargeting campaigns
Facebook ads automation
Beauty Player combined Facebook’s powerful data targeting and Chatfuel code-free tools to automate chats with users who click on ads
People tab
Beauty Player exported bot user data to Facebook Ads Manager via CSV to create Lookalike Audience and target new leads with similar characteristics. This helped decrease CPC and increase ROAS
JSON API plugin
Beauty Player used it to track user interactions with the bot, re-engage dropped-off users, and retarget those who had not used coupons
'We believe that when we bring the top-level digital marketing strategy (Facebook ads + Chatfuel bots) to all the traditional SMEs and startups, we can help make their dream come true. And this is our dream.'
— Fash Chang, Marketing Director at GoSky AI
Facebook ads lead users to the Beauty Player chatbot created in Chatfuel.
GoSky AI created a new workflow for Beauty Player
The bot gives product recommendations and promo codes based on user preferences.
Agents match coupon redeemers to mask purchasers on the website.
Beauty Player exports 'warm' leads and uses that list to run more effective Facebook ads.
Starting and running a business is challenging, especially when managing teams, improving overall performance, and communication. At Chatfuel, we understand the struggles of building and improving a startup, so we are here to help.

Our mission is to assist you unlock the full potential of automation across various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and your website. With Fuely AI, powered by ChatGPT, you can achieve your business goals faster and more efficiently.

By joining Chatfuel today, you can save more time for tasks that require your attention. Our experts provide the support and guidance you need to succeed. Embrace the power of automation and experience the difference it can make for your business.
Recast your marketing campaigns with AI agents