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Published May 31, 2024 in

Product update: new chat widget

Much-requested feature announcement: a new chat widget is now available.

On May 9, 2024, Meta stopped supporting the Chat plugin. We at Chatfuel knew how much you relied on this tool, so we set to work to create a worthy alternative for you.

With our new chat widget, you can seamlessly embed an interactive chat window directly onto your website, enhancing visitor engagement and driving more conversions through instant communication.

chat widget (1).png

Key features

The chat widget comes with all the features you know and love:

  • Content blocks: display text and images

  • Interactive buttons: add buttons visitors can click

  • Saving customer answers, setting attributes: don’t miss messages from website visitors

  • Redirects to other flows: route visitors to where they need to go

  • Live chat: switch to a human operator

  • Guest mode: no need to log in, any website visitor can message you

  • Fuely AI: an AI assistant from Chatfuel that gives personalized responses, sorts through leads, answers visitors’ questions, and books appointments

Getting started with the chat widget

You can access the widget here.

First, create a new flow. Then, right-click on the canvas to bring up the menu and choose Entry points. And here it is!

access widget.png

Visit our help center for step-by-step instructions on setting up the widget and adding it to your website.