
Extra conversations: $0.02/each
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ChannelsDirect messages Click-to-Ads Posts Stories
AutomationsChatbots Comments autoreply Story replies Story mentions Keyword actions ChatGPT Re-engage messages Re-engage history
FeaturesLive chat Shared inbox Assigning agents Mobile inbox app Triggering flows from Live chat
ContactsImport and export contacts Contact attributes Audience segmentation
IntegrationsGoogle Sheets ChatGPT Stripe Zapier JSON API
A tailored plan, priority support, and a dedicated bot builder specialist
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Everything in business, plus:
Personal account manager Bot building services (10 free hours) Bulk pricing
Features available on all plans
Create with intuitive Flow builder

Build automated conversation scenarios with ease. Let your chatbot answer FAQs, generate leads, share discounts and more.

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Access free, ready-made templates

Not sure where to start? Choose from our 30+ templates that cover the most popular chatbot use cases. Create your first bot in a flash.

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Automate communication channels

Bring customers to your chatbot from direct chat messages or Ads that click to WhatsApp.

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Manage new leads all in one place

Easily segment, qualify, and export all the leads your chatbot captures with Chatfuel’s built-in CRM feature.

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Get support when you need it

Support is available via live chat and email. To help you make the most of Chatfuel, we've prepared detailed documentation and great video tutorials.

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Expand using integrations

Our platform provides integrations with all kinds of useful tools like Google Sheets, Calendly, and Zapier. We also offer an API for custom integrations.

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Bot building on demand
We can create a custom chatbot for your specific use case. Use the table below for rough estimates, the final price will depend on the size and scale of your chatbot.
Use cases
Lead generationfrom $200
Lead qualificationfrom $200
Customer supportfrom $150
Answering FAQsfrom $150
Gathering feedbackfrom $100
Re-engagementfrom $100
Salesfrom $500
Payment processingfrom $200
Appointment schedulingfrom $150
Google Sheetsfrom $100
Hubspotfrom $100
Shopifyfrom $150
Zapierfrom $100
CRMfrom $100
APIfrom $100
Custom integrationfrom $100
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