Discover how chatbot Violetta shares valuable information, relationship advice, and tools, connecting users to professional psychological help.
Founders raise $350K by offering 45K people psychological help via Messenger chatbot
Success story
(minimum viable product) has been built
unique chatbot users
people re-directed to receive professional help
raised to operate, grow, and build a new product
after launching chatbot Violetta created within Chatfuel
During the pandemic, four inspiring women took a stand against gender violence. They recognized a pressing need for a safe space where people could share their experiences and determine if they were victims of violence.

They found that the demand for psychological support was skyrocketing, but the available resources were limited.

In response, the founders devised a remarkable solution that could simultaneously optimize the process of identifying violence and offer helpful guidance to many people.
Chatbot Violetta creates a safe space for people
Violetta is a chatbot that aims to prevent violence by providing information, addressing questions and concerns, and guiding users to professional help in creating healthy relationships.
Challenge: establish a secure environment for anyone experiencing psychological abuse
The founders were introduced to Chatfuel, a platform that stood out for its seamless integration with Messenger and its user-friendly interface.

They aimed to test if people would open up to a chatbot and optimized help-providing, using 3 factors:

  1. Online sharing is more honest.
  2. Reliable info on violence, gender, and mental health is needed online.
  3. A chatbot can categorize users for personalized help.
Goals: create a secure platform for everyone facing psychological abuse
Violetta's founders have successfully built an MVP that attracted 62,000 unique chatbot users and redirected 45,000 people to receive professional help.

This automated support helped founders raise $350,000.

They are continuously working to improve their assistance. Providing free help to such a large number of people is a major achievement for them.
Results: built MVP gets 62K unique chatbot users and redirects 45K of them to receive professional help, raising $350K
'Violetta, as a chatbot, is just the beginning. It is a great way to create empathy with users and provide valuable information, feedback, and data.'
— Sasha Glatt, co-founder of Violetta
Violetta is the mental health chatbot on a mission to help people create better relationships and prevent violence. She's a like friend who provides an empathetic and enjoyable experience while discussing sensitive topics.
How chatbot Violetta works
Through her interactions, Violetta has transcended her role as a data collector and feedback tool. She has become a confidante to people from all walks of life.
Whether it's a simple greeting or a deep conversation, Violetta offers relevant content and validated answers. She creates empathy with her users and helps them to feel heard and understood.
Because of Violetta, people discover the importance of mental health and how it affects their lives. Once Violetta realizes that a user might need human professional support, she redirects them to receive it.
Get Fuely AI assistant for your business to automate conversational experiences on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or your website.

Fuely AI handles customer chats, answers queries, and provides tailored recommendations 24/7.

It learns from each conversation and becomes smarter over time.

With Fuely AI's intuitive interface, you can build and deploy your automation without any coding skills.

Start to enhance customer satisfaction, save time and resources, and supercharge your business today.
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