Explore how Tacobot helps small, local businesses get high-intent, high-quality leads at an affordable price.
Marketing agency delivers high-quality leads for insurance & real estate companies using Messenger chatbots
Success story
per high-quality insurance lead
per high-intent real estate lead
< $10
per conversation
after launching Chatfuel automation for local insurance & real estate businesses in 41 United States
When faced with finding low-cost and high-quality leads for their customers, CJ Hutsenpiller, co-founder of Tacobot, stumbled upon automation by chance.

While watching a Facebook video ad, they saw the host using a chatbot to communicate with viewers who commented on the video. Recognizing the potential of chatbots in lead generation, Hutsenpiller started to use them for their customers.
Automation helps insurance & real estate businesses get a regular influx of leads
Tacobot is an agency with a mission to generate high-intent, high-quality leads for insurance & the real estate industries at an affordable price
Marketing automation
Challenge: most leads are low intent, high priced, and often sold to multiple agencies at once
Tacobot created a cheaper way to get higher-quality leads than the vendors: 4 pre-built lead-generation chatbots for customers:

  1. Life insurance quote generator with pre-filled web application
  2. Home/auto insurance quote generator
  3. Rent calculator with matching house listings
  4. Home-value calculator for real estate businesses

All the chatbots capture user information for each lead that they chat with, allowing businesses to pursue them personally.

Tacobot also created its own automation to let customers explore chatbots and purchase one right within the chat.

From there, the Tacobot chatbot development agency will customize the chatbot for the customer's business, launch it, and teach the customers how to access it in Chatfuel.
Goal: succeed in generating leads
Tacobot’s chatbots have become the tool of choice for local insurance and real estate businesses in 41 United States.

Metrics for their chatbots vary:

  • $2-5 per high-quality insurance lead
  • Less than $10 per high-intent real estate lead
  • $0.10 per conversation

Moreover, Chatfuel is cost-effective and easy to use, empowering both the Tacobot team and its customers to manage automation.
Results: $2-5 per high-quality insurance lead, < $10 per high-intent real estate lead, $0.10 per conversation
JSON API & plugins
Once a chatbot gathers a lead’s information, it has to make it available to the customer. From there, the customer can pursue the leads personally.
For larger or more advanced customers, Tacobot uses JSON to send the details directly and automatically to the customer’s CRM. Tacobot’s smaller customers use the Notify admin via email or Send to Google Sheets plugins for this.
Sequences let you schedule follow-up messages from your chatbot. Tacobot used them to ensure the user would later receive a sequence of messages reminding them to come back and finish the flow.
User attributes
User attributes are like tags. They identify leads' preferences or characteristics to sort leads by area, assign them to different agents, or create retargeting ads. For example, Tacobot customers using the home-insurance quoting skill could have their bot save every user’s zip code as an attribute.
United States
'I've built bots on both major platforms, and I find the structure of Chatfuel to be much easier to use.'
— CJ Hutsenpiller, co-founder of Tacobot
generates life-insurance quotes for prospects right in Facebook Messenger. If the user wants to purchase the policy, one click will take them to a pre-filled web application.
Tacobot designed 4 chatbots in Chatfuel for meaningful customer chats
Quoting tool for life insurance
asks users a few questions, pulls info from third-party sources, combines it with the user’s responses, and generates a quote.
Quoting tool for home/auto insurance
asks how much the user pays for rent, converts it to an estimated mortgage payment, and shows matching houses in the user's area.
Rent calculator
gives prospective home sellers an estimate on the value of their property.
Home-value calculator
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