Discover how the photo-booth brand used a Messenger chatbot to bring in revenue on autopilot.
eCommerce entrepreneur automates $100K+ in sales with a Messenger chatbot
Success story
in revenue is automated
simple ordering process
more sales and reorders
after launching Chatfuel chatbot
Jürgen Mayr, the founder and CEO of Photobooth Deluxe, and his customers faced difficulties ordering supplies before implementing a chatbot.

Collecting order information through phone and email and sending it to the drop-shipper was tedious and could take 10-20 minutes each time.

Additionally, orders could only be processed when Mayr was available. Otherwise, the orders would be shipped once he had time to submit them. However, since 95% of his customers were on Facebook, Mayr decided to explore chatbots to streamline the process.
From tedious to effortless: bot saves time and increases efficiency
The company sells high-quality and innovative photo booth systems for events and earns revenue by supplying specialized ink and paper to past customers across Europe.
Challenge: the process of placing and taking orders becomes tough
Since placing and taking orders became time and effort-consuming, Jürgen Mayr aimed to enable customers to order supply materials without his physical presence.

That way, Photobooth Deluxe's founder and CEO wanted to simplify and fasten the process for both customers and the business.
Goal: implement a code-free solution to process orders without human touch
With the Messenger bot built in Chatfuel, Mayr has automated over $100,000 in revenue. And he’s already asked his invoicing company to consider adding an API for their service to automate the final sales step.

Photobooth Deluxe experienced a surge in sales because the automated ordering process is so simple.

Normally, consumers shop around to check prices with different vendors before ordering supplies.

But a straightforward and automated process makes it more comfortable for them to reorder, so it doesn’t matter if a certain item is a few euros more expensive.

Customers now order anyway because the quality and ease of service are more important to them than getting the lowest price.
Results: $100K+ in revenue automated, quality of service and sales improved
User attributes
Photobooth Deluxe used them to track each customer's spending and populate the total amount, which updates automatically with each new order
Notify admin plugin
Each time a customer orders through the chatbot, it instantly emails Mayr and the drop-shipper, so they can package and ship the order right away
Sponsored messages
After a customer places an order, Mayr’s bot offers them a supply check-in notification in 30 days in case they need to reorder supplies
JSON API plugin
Mayr used it to integrate Twilio and send automated SMS to the drop-shipping company to look out for a new-order email
Zapier integration
The automatically sends customers a tracking number, so they can monitor their shipment
'The goal was to enable my customers to order supply materials without my physical presence. When I come back home, all I have to do is write the invoices.'
— Jürgen Mayr, founder and CEO of Photobooth Deluxe
Photobooth Deluxe tracks customer spending using Chatfuel's attribute feature.

By keeping a record of total expenditure, the company can create custom and lookalike audiences for targeted sponsored messages and Facebook ads. It helps grow the business and showcases how technology can enhance customer experiences.
Few features make Messenger chatbot super-effective
User attributes
Notify admin via email plugin
Whenever a customer orders through a chatbot, it instantly sends emails to Photobooth Deluxe and the drop-shipper for speedy processing.
Sponsored messages
After a customer places an order, the bot asks if they’d like to receive a supply check-in notification in 30 days.

Photobooth Deluxe’s customers often forget to stock up on supplies otherwise, so these reminders are helpful for them and bring in more revenue for the company.
Using third-party and JSON APIs, Photobooth Deluxe can connect Chatfuel to other platforms like Twilio or Zapier for an extra way of informing customers and the drop-shipper.

Some new-order emails can get missed or end up in spam folders. Instead, the bot automatically sends an SMS to the drop-shipping company to look out for a new-order email and sends customers messages with a tracking number so they can keep tabs on their shipment.
Running a business can be tough, especially when resources are limited. But don't let that stop you from achieving your dreams.

At Chatfuel, we understand the challenges of building and improving a startup. That's why we're here to help you every step of the way.

With our powerful AI agent builder, you can create amazing chatbots without any coding experience. Our mission is to unlock the full potential of automation across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and your website.

With Fuely AI, powered by ChatGPT, you can achieve your business goals faster and more efficiently than ever.
Build a picture-perfect AI agent for your brand