Explore how startup MyDreamChat created a Messenger mental health chatbot for dream analysis and got 12K+ users in the first 5 months with under $5K in marketing spend.
Startup boosts conversion to 53% and customer satisfaction to 82% using Messenger chatbot
Success story
chatbot users
engagement rate
conversion to download
after launching Chatfuel automaton
conversion to paid subscription
customer satisfaction
Lasting mindset change and healing occur when we become conscious of unconscious patterns and triggers, driving 95% of decision-making and behavior.

Dream analysis is an effective tool for mental health. To attract investors, Sansan Fibri, founder of MyDreamChat, needed a minimum viable product (MVP) to validate market interest.

Initially, an expensive iOS app proved unusable and non-scalable. So, Sansan pivoted to a chatbot, which seemed more affordable and scalable. This change allowed her, a non-technical founder, to build it herself.
Automation helps people and becomes a great solution for MVP
MyDreamChat is a startup founded by Sansan Fibri in 2018. Sansan believed our dreams can help us uncover and deal with emotional challenges. However, most of us need the proper guidance to start this mental health journey.
Challenge: find affordable and scalable solution to serve people and test market interest
In the past, Sansan used lead quizzes that would send people to the landing page waitlist.

With automation, Sansan realized how she could streamline the entire funnel: ad → quiz → landing → dream analysis using a Messenger chatbot.

She was sold when she learned that she could use automated marketing to drive traffic, capture leads, retarget, and deliver value.

That's how Sansan turned to Chatfuel for this project right away.
Goal: streamline the entire funnel
Sansan built her Messenger chatbot as an MVP for her separate app. She intended it to be a temporary solution but decided to continue using Chatfuel at the top of the funnel with her app.

This decision is based on the incredible chatbot's results:

  • 82% user satisfaction rating based on exit polls seamlessly integrated into the chat after an analysis.

  • 3x engagement rate for users in the first week.

  • 30% of users share the chatbot, and 25% of Facebook Page likers share MyDreamChat ads, making for a virality factor potential of 50%.

  • 53% of users are highly likely to convert to download the app, and 33.5% are likely to convert to paid subscribers in the app.
Results: 12K+ chatbot users, 3x engagement rate, 82% customer satisfaction, and built MVP
'I realized that the conversational nature of the app I envisioned and the Q&A in branching logic lend themselves pretty nicely to a chatbot. It seemed like a more affordable and scalable solution to test market interest.'
— Sansan Fibri, founder of MyDreamChat
Here’s how MyDreamChat chatbot for mental health works
1. A user chooses their dream type (being chased, falling, or feeling trapped).
2. Then, they take a personalized quiz about the details of the dream they can remember and the feelings they associate with it.
3. The chatbot generates a personalized analysis of the user’s dream.
4. The analysis explains what it 'means' or symbolizes in the context of that person’s life experience.
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