Conversational user interface

What is a conversational user interface?

A conversational user interface (CUI) is a way for people to interact with computers, websites, or apps through natural conversations. Instead of menus, forms or buttons, you simply chat with the interface using text or voice commands.

CUIs work by understanding normal human language and responding intelligently. The interface might be a chatbot, virtual assistant, or voice control system powered by artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology.

Some examples of conversational UIs include:
  • Chatbots on websites or messaging apps
  • Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant
  • AI companions in video games or software apps

The big advantage of CUIs is that they provide a more intuitive, human-friendly way to get information or complete tasks compared to traditional menu-driven interfaces. You can interact naturally using your own words.
Tags: Chatbots