Conversational channel

What is a conversational channel?

A conversational channel is any method or platform that allows two-way communication between a business and its customers in a conversational way. It's a channel for having back-and-forth conversations.

Common examples of conversational channels include:
  • Website/app chat widgets
  • Messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS texts
  • Voice assistants like Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant
  • Social media direct messages
  • Live chat tools

Choosing the right channel

The best conversational channel depends on your specific business goals and customer base. Things to consider include:
  • Where are your customers most active and comfortable communicating?
  • What types of conversations and transactions need to happen?
  • Do you need rich media/payment integration capabilities?
  • What channels integrate with your existing tools and systems?
  • What are your support staffing and 24/7 response needs?

Many businesses use a combination of different conversational channels to make it easier for customers to reach them however is most convenient. Having multiple channel options increases the chances of customers finding a comfortable way to chat.
Tags: Chatbots